One of the events offered at every International Gathering is the session on MacAulay DNA and Genealogy. Led by our Clan genealogy & DNA specialists, Luca McCaw and Kathy McCauley, the session is always a big hit. Each year, in addition to reviewing the basics of traditional genealogy and the science of DNA, we learn how the two disciplines intersect to give us an ever-growing picture of the MacAulay families.
With the extensive Y-DNA testing done by MacAulay men, Clan members are able to break into distinct groups each based on a common male ancestor. Those at the session were able to divide into sub-groups along their common ancestor line. (See the County Antrim group in the photo above.) Nine more of our male members have signed up for the Y-DNA testing so, by the next Gathering, who knows what new information we will have learned!
Clan Association members have access to the presentation that was given during the session in the Members-only section of our website.
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