The Clan MacAulay Association exists:
- to celebrate our traditions and connect with culture, heritage, and history
- to discover our Scottish or Irish MacAulay roots
- to engage in the world-wide community of Clan MacAulay
- to have an open international Clan Gathering every two years, where practical, attracting interested parties to celebrate traditions and connect with our culture, heritage, and history
- to promote Clan MacAulay and its place in the history and heritage of Scotland, Ireland and its overseas diaspora
- to use promotional initiatives and form partnerships to encourage an interest in the history and heritage of Scotland and Ireland
- to offer genealogical guidance and signposting to the MacAulay DNA projects
- to connect with MacAulays through the positive use of the Clan MacAulay Association website and social media, and
- to be strictly apolitical and non-sectarian.