The Clan MacAulay Association Scholarship is intended for students pursuing post-secondary education. This scholarship aims to support individuals who not only excel in their chosen field, but also envision contributing to the vitality of Clan MacAulay and advancement of knowledge, heritage, history, art, or science relevant to Clan MacAulay.
- Students pursuing post-secondary education
- Must be a member or have a family member who is a current paid member of the Clan MacAulay Association
Award Amount
- One-time scholarship of £500 (if recipient is not in the UK the amount will be converted to the currency of their country of residence)
Application Deadline
- In years where the scholarship is approved by the Executive Committee, submissions will be accepted from 1 September through 31 October. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Anticipated announcement of winner:
- 30 November – should you be the successful applicant, we will require your photo for use on the website and social media announcements
- Award of the scholarship is at the discretion of the scholarship committee
Application Requirements
- Completed Application Form, available:
Required Documents (all content will become the property of Clan MacAulay Association):
- Current Curriculum Vitae or Resume
- Proof of enrollment in a post-secondary institution
- Transcript or most recent listing of grades achieved from the most recent educational institution (e.g. final grades from secondary institution or latest semester grades from current post-secondary institution)
- One letter of recommendation. (The best recommendations come from people who have worked closely with you and who understand the goals of this award. Ex. MacAulay Clan member, teacher/professor, employer, mentor, etc.)
- 500-800-word essay addressing the Application Essay Question stated below, submitted in English.
- All files must be 40mb or less. Acceptable file types are: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .jpg, .png, .gif
- Preface the file names with your name (ex. Mary MacAulay – Curriculum Vitae)
Application Essay Question:
How would you apply your chosen field of study to invigorate the Clan MacAulay Association and advance the promotion, knowledge, heritage, history, art, or science as it relates to Clan MacAulay?
Evaluation Criteria:
- Academic excellence
- Relevance and depth of the essay question response
- Demonstrated passion for the intersection of education and Clan MacAulay’s future, history, and heritage
Contact Information:
For inquiries, please contact Clan Scholarship Administrator