Clan News

19 November 2022

Membership Contest 2022-2023

Family Heritage for the Holidays and Beyond!  “Heed the Call” – generate new or upgraded memberships to Clan MacAulay and automatically be entered in the Danger […]
11 November 2022

St. Andrew’s Day Members-only Event

St. Andrew’s Day, 30 November 2022, is a day to reflect on Scotland and our connections to this beautiful land. As it falls mid-week, we are […]
11 November 2022

November 11… Remembering our heroes

Today, 11 November, many countries around the world commemorate those who died in military service, and honour those who served in wartime.  The day is called […]
9 November 2022

New Zealand turns out for the Hororata Highland Games

Clan MacAulay’s New Zealand Ambassador, Ruth Cooper, reports the Hororata Highland Games held 4 November 2022, were a big hit with representatives from 14 clans and […]
31 October 2022

Halloween 2022

10 October 2022

Columbus Day 2022

Happy Columbus Day to MacAulays in the USA!  
10 October 2022

Canadian Thanksgiving 2022

30 September 2022

Stone Mountain Highland Games & Scottish Festival

For the first time in 13 years, Clan MacAulay will be represented at the Stone Mountain Highland Games and Scottish Festival October 14-16.  The second largest […]
26 September 2022

Apples! Cosy recipes for autumn

The National Trust for Scotland has shared some very interesting looking recipes. Celebrate the apple harvest with one of these recipes! Eve’s Pudding Apple and Cinnamon […]
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