To read the full history of the Kilt Skate in Canada click here. From The idea for a kilt skate to celebrate Scottish heritage began […]
Scotland Welcomes You Scotland events highlights for January (having recovered from the new year) include the finale of Edinburgh’s Christmas, Celtic Connections and the Speciality Food […]
The Clans and Scottish Societies of Canada (CASSOC) December newsletter is now available. Enjoy here, including the report from the Clan MacAulay Association! Highlights include:
The story of the sinking of the HMY Iolaire in the December issue of MacAulay Matters was inspired by Don Mackenzie, husband of Catriona MacAulay Mackenzie […]
Click here to read Celtic Canada’s holiday issue! Includes an interview with international fiddlers Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy and some Celtic Christmas Fare recipes!